Virtual Training Only Until Further Notice - Contact Us for Details

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There are 23 Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTCs) located in various provinces and territories across Canada.
Cadets are selected to attend summer training based on their attendance, behaviour, and other attributes that they had demonstrated throughout the cadet training year. You must have been a Cadet prior to March 31 in order to be considered and apply for summer training.
If you are selected to participate in summer training you will have the chance to travel to a training centre in your Region. If you are selected for a specialized course or your Region does not offer a particular program you may have the opportunity to travel to another training centre located even further from your home where you will meet other cadets from all over Canada.
CSTCs offer more in-depth study and experience in the area in which you are selected to participate. Summer camp, as cadets fondly call it, are located on the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the Rocky Mountains and everywhere in between. Some summer training centres involve all three elements (Sea, Army and Air Cadets) learning and working together in one location. It is the chance to meet friends for life during an experience you will never forget!